Parking Option 1:

Laz Parking

Address: CFG Bank Arena 99 S. Howard. 

 LAZ Parking: 

  1. Click on the Clock icon to the right of the displayed dates.
  2. Click Today; enter day of month
  3. Click Now to select the time you plan to enter the garage. You will not be able to enter prior to your scheduled time.
  4. Click End and select your departure date and time.
  5. Click GO
  6. Click Next and complete name, credit card info, etc

Parking Option 2:

Laz Parking

Address: CFG Bank Arena 99 S. Howard. 

 LAZ Parking: 

  1. Click on the Clock icon to the right of the displayed dates.
  2. Click Today; enter day of month
  3. Click Now to select the time you plan to enter the garage. You will not be able to enter prior to your scheduled time.
  4. Click End and select your departure date and time.
  5. Click GO
  6. Click Next and complete name, credit card info, etc

Parking Option 2:

Laz Parking

Address: CFG Bank Arena 99 S. Howard. 

 LAZ Parking: 

  1. Click on the Clock icon to the right of the displayed dates.
  2. Click Today; enter day of month
  3. Click Now to select the time you plan to enter the garage. You will not be able to enter prior to your scheduled time.
  4. Click End and select your departure date and time.
  5. Click GO
  6. Click Next and complete name, credit card info, etc

CFG Arena Garage


CFG Arena Garage is available from Saturday 5/27 starting at 2am and ending Monday 5/29 at 10pm.
Remember, this does not start until Saturday 5/27 at 2am! Anyone arriving Friday 5/26 night will not get this rate. The rate is $18 per day and expires at 10pm Monday night.

Reservation method:


  1. Select CFG Bank Arena, then click Reserve.
  2. Click on the clock to the right of the displayed dates.
  3. Select Start Date by clicking on “Today”; enter start hours.
  4. Enter day and time of departure; then click GO.
  5. Select ICNA then click Next.
  6. Enter Information and Payment Method
  7. Select Pay, then reservation will be sent to your email.